The idea for Twice the Triplets came pretty easily, almost as if it just created itself inside of my head. I don’t remember where or when this happened, only that I was thinking about making a new comic and my thoughts went something like this:
Hey, what if I make a comic about a guy who suddenly has to take care of some kids?
He should be related to them – probably not their father, but what if he’s their uncle?
Maybe I should make the kids girls? I’ve made comics before about kids, but I always made the main characters boys.
I know, I’ll make the girls twins! No wait, triplets!
Wait a minute. Waaaaait a minute.
If I’m gonna do that, how about making it two sets of triplets? You know, to really make the guy have his hands full?
I could call it “Twice the Triplets”! And refer to it as “2×3”, as a kind of stylized abbreviation!
It was that quick, and that straight-forward. Next thing I remember is coming up with a gag – I immediately knew it would be a gag-a-page type comic – in which the uncle character would be planning some bedtime activity with a ladyfriend, and some of the kids would inadvertently scare her off. This idea would eventually become the fourth page of the comic, titled “Grownup Stuff”.

It would be a while before that happened, though, because the next thing I did was to file away the ideas I had for Twice the Triplets in the back of my head. A cutesy comic about kids? I should probably try to do something a little bit more sophisticated than that for my next comic, I thought. In the months that followed, I did have other ideas I tried to make use of. Continue reading